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Showing posts from October, 2010

New Start

Monday was the start of a new quarter!  I feel a relief.  I have brainstormed and planned with co teachers and specialists and I feel that I finally have some direction; however, the anxiety about teaching the content in a manner that the students can understand and relate remains.  Also on Monday, I introduced the SLE's that involve multiplying, dividing, and factoring.  I instructed, I modeled, I allowed for guided practice and then independent practice.  My students were excited about the activity and asked questions about what was not clear and after a few minutes.....THEY GOT IT!  They began to work on their own and were all engaged.  Seeing 28 fourth graders engaged in an activity gives one a sense of pride and a feeling of success.  My students were excited to show me the activity books that they had created that were filled with word problems that they created and equations that they had written.  And this was just in my morning c...

Not enough hours in my days

This week will be one of little sleep.  I have homework to complete, parent teacher conferences, the Open Response Questions to grade on all four parts of the TLI test, but, I think I finally know what I'm teaching this week.  At least I have the whole week mapped out....that's an accomplishment.  My classroom is reorganized and I have a new Behavior Management Plan:  "God, please let this one work, and a little help getting me through this week wouldn't hurt!"


I have not had time to stop and breathe!  My classroom is a mess, I have no idea what I'm doing from day to day....but somehow, I have gained the trust of 54 fourth graders, and although it is still an adjustment, I am watching them grow individually, emotionally, and academically. There is nothing more amazing than watching that light come on.  When I see my kids carrying their heads high because they are PROUD of the content and strategies that they have learned, the late nights and lack of weekends is worth it.  I am grateful for my students, I am grateful for the support that I have from my co teachers, and I am grateful for surviving the first two weeks in my first year of being a fourth grade teacher!