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Showing posts from September, 2010

A new twist in my life!

Monday afternoon, while I was wrestling with a 200 pound fourth grader in the self contained classroom at the school that I was subbing at, I got a call from the office telling me that the Deputy Superintendent of the Fort Smith Public Schools requested that I be at the Service Center at 3:45 on that same day for an interview.  All I could think was, "I am not dressed for an interview, my hair is going to be a mess and I don't have my makeup with me!!"  But, I went to the interview and stumbled through the process.  The interview was for a position at the school that I really wanted to teach at.  Yesterday morning, the next day, I was scheduled to substitute at this school. I saw the principal first thing, and she didn't make eye contact, so I assumed that I did not get the job and went on about my day, deciding to save my tears for later.  About an hour later, the principal and vice principal asked me to accompany them to the office.  Of course, it doe...

Love Literature

Today, I substituted in an eighth grade English class and I LOVED IT!!  The class is reading one of my favorite books, That Was Then, This is Now .  This book, as well as the others written by the same author, have been favorites of mine since I was in junior high school.  Today, I got to use some of the strategies that we have talked about in the MAT program.  Included in these strategies was building on prior knowledge, predicting, and foreshadowing.  Not only did we use these strategies, but we also incorporated history that affected the time setting in the book!  Today was a great experience. 

Wonders Never Cease.....

For the past two days, I have been substitute teaching in a self contained classroom.  These children not only have learning disabilities, but they also have physical and psychological handicaps.  Many of these children do not speak clearly and several do not have the ability to form a sentence.  When one goes into a situation such as this one, one may think, "this is a shell of a child, how can I possibly teach them, what can they learn?"  After observing these children, one will find that they are highly creative and have capabilities that seem to be inate.  These children are affectionate and if they can sit down long enough to listen, they are eagar to please.  These children have embedded themselves into my heart.  I have a new perspective on the saying, "ALL children deserve an education". 

Learning experiences

I have been substitute teaching for almost two weeks now. I have learned so much! I have learned how important procedures are, and it is obvious which teacher drill the students on their procedures, and which teachers do not. I have learned that ALL students, no matter their age or grade, enjoy being read to. I have learned that sixth graders will work harder and quieter if you allow them to work in groups and they love word searches. I have learned that explaining expectations up front is not only a good idea, it's a NECESSITY to maintain order in the classroom. I have learned that when the teacher (or substitute) makes a mistake, it is better to tell the students that a mistake has been made, rather than making excuses or trying to hide it. Not only have I been learning, but I have been stealing the best ideas and the best procedures from the teachers who I have substituted for. This experience is an invaluable one.